Here is some information copied directly from notes we recieved home about graduation!

i will add the info about the live stream as soon as i recieve it! this will likely be in the form of a link to where you can watch it, as well as the time it will be live in AEST

Outreach Day
On Monday 18 September students will participate in an Outreach activity according to their House Groups and will gather in the afternoon for lunch and activities. Outreach is an opportunity to reach out and offer assistance to members of our society who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Graduation Breakfast
On Tuesday 19 September students and staff will be invited to enjoy breakfast together in the staff lunch room from 7:30am. This is a College tradition enjoyed by staff and students each year.

Graduation Mass
Graduation Mass will be held at St Joseph’s Parish Church, Tweed Heads, on Tuesday 19 September commencing at 6:00pm. This Eucharistic celebration is for students, their families and staff. This is a significant moment in the graduation experience of Year 12 students. Students are required to make their own way to and from the church with their families.

Graduation Assembly and College Farewell
At 9:30am on Wednesday 20 September, our Year 12 group will be farewelled in the Doyle Centre. This is a wonderful rite of passage for our students. There will be seating available for parents and family members who might wish to attend. Students, we request a 30-second tribute from a person associated with SJC (past pupil, current pupil, future pupil, past or present staff member, etc). The person of your choice will provide an affirmation of you that will be witnessed by all watching the event.


Info About My Classes

English Advanced

Teacher: Rochelle Lees

English Extention

Teacher: Charmaine Vella-Fox


Teacher: Jonathon Visser


Teacher: Dean Robinson


Teacher: Karen Parker


Teacher: Andrew Chambers