
I graduate this year!! How wild is that?

I decided to make a quick website since i know alot of people wont be able to come to my graduation, and since its going to be livestreamed i thought this would be a super fun way to show information about my graduation, show pics, and provide a means for everyone to participate even if you cant be there!!!

my feelings will not be hurt if you cant attend, dont even worry. im not sure what time it will be in america when the livestream is up, but if its like three in the morning i totally understand if thats too late at night :)

If images on any of the pages fail to load, refreshing your browser will most likely fix the problem!!

click here to go to my schools website!!!

^^( If the link dosent work copy and paste this into your web browser: https://www.bpslism.catholic.edu.au/ )^^

click here to go to my schools Facebook!!!

^^( If the link dosent work copy and paste this into your web browser: https://www.facebook.com/SJCBanora/ )^^

click here to go to my schools Intagram!!!

^^( If the link dosent work copy and paste this into your web browser: https://www.instagram.com/sjcbanora/ )^^


^^( If the link dosent work copy and paste this into your web browser: https://youtube.com/live/jXUuh-3XheU?feature=share )^^

The video stream in scheduled to start at 9:10 AM AEST (Australian eastern standard time) but graduation proceedings dont start until around 9:30 AM, so be prepared!! if in an emergecny the link has changed and i havent switched it to the new one on here, then the school will be posting the live stream link on its instagram, facebook, and website!